sábado, mayo 18, 2024

Municipal government of Tecámac, in the Edoméx, empowers women with the «Miel Program» / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The municipal president of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, began the delivery of food packages of the «MIEL Nutritional Support» program, which empowers more than 25 thousand women and benefits an equal number of families.

She emphasized that her government, the best in the State of Mexico, with its public policies makes Tecamaquenses women strong, and said that since the beginning of her administration -more than 48 months ago- she has not taken her finger off the line to establish welfare programs that ensure better conditions of equality for all.

For the MIEL Program (Mujeres Interdependientes, Empoderadas y Libres), it goes beyond the delivery of food packages, it also integrates training for the development of employment and business incubation, hand in hand with other public policies.

«We have to strengthen (women) after this crisis, because that is the real transformation we are looking for in Tecámac. It is to consolidate women,» she added while attending the delivery of the packages in Los Reyes Acozac and in the Sierra Hermosa Sports and Ecological Park .

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